Past screening

Aurora’s Sunrise

Directed by: Inna Sahakyan
Runtime: 1h 38min Certificate: 12A
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Directed by: Inna Sahakyan
Runtime: 1h 38min Certificate: 12A
Topics: Sociopolitical
Last Screened: Thu 7th Dec 2023

The true story of how a fourteen-year-old girl escaped the slaughter of the Armenian genocide and embarked upon an odyssey that took her to the heights of Hollywood stardom.

In 1919, the silent Hollywood film Auction of Souls told the story of a teenage girl’s experience through the horror of the Armenian genocide of 1915.

Aurora Mardiganian played herself in the blockbuster film of her life, which brought the plight of the Armenians to the wider world. All copies of Auction of Souls were believed to be lost, until 1994 when 18 minutes of film were rediscovered, just a few months after Aurora’s death, aged 93.

Aurora’s Sunrise revives Aurora’s story through a blend of evocative animation, her own recollections and the 18 minutes of surviving footage from her lost silent epic.

It vividly recalls an often-ignored 20th Century genocide, telling the tale of how one girl escaped, and then relived her life’s greatest pain to save her people.

The Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) are currently facing a humanitarian crisis. To support the Armenian community visit The Centre for Armenian Information & Advice and consider donating to the CAIA fundraiser here.


'Utterly fascinating and formally inventive'

-The Guardian