
On Saturday the 8th of July we hosted a special post-screening Q&A with director Edward Lovelace and producer Fleur Niddu. Hosted by DocHouse's Jasmine Haniff.

Lawand, a young Kurdish boy who is deaf since birth, moves from Kurdistan to Derby in desperate search of a world where he can communicate. When his family faces deportation, Lawand’s new life comes under threat.

When a young Kurdish boy called Lawand joins the Royal School for the Deaf in Derby, he learns to communicate and to understand the world for the first time. Deaf since birth, Lawand’s prospects were limited in Kurdistan, and his family undertook the treacherous journey from Iraq to the UK, desperate to to find a place where Lawand could communicate.

As he learns British Sign Language, the isolated and traumatised boy begins to open up, developing friendships, confidence and hope for himself for the first time. But this new life soon comes under threat when the family face deportation, and, along with members of the Derby community, they begin the fight to stay in the place they now call home.

Edward Lovelace (The Possibilities are Endless) follows Lawand’s journey as he finds his voice through BSL, using striking sound design and visual language to bring us intimately close to Lawand’s experience of the world.

On Saturday the 8th of July we hosted a special post-screening Q&A with director Edward Lovelace and producer Fleur Niddu. Hosted by DocHouse’s Jasmine Haniff.