
Directed by: Rodrigo Reyes
Runtime: 1hr 23min Year: 2021
Country: Mexico, United Kingdom
Topics: Personal Stories
Last Screened: Tue 6th Dec 2022

Two Mexican men - the filmmaker Rodrigo Reyes, and an undocumented migrant called Sansón imprisoned on a life sentence - come together to tell Sansón's story, in an unforgettable film that pushes the boundaries of cinematic imagination.

During his day job as a Spanish criminal interpreter in a small town in California, filmmaker Rodrigo Reyes met a young man named Sansón, an undocumented Mexican immigrant who was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Years later, Reyes seeks Sansón out again, and the two men begin to communicate via letters, and to collaborate on a film idea.

As it is forbidden to film inside the jail, Reyes proposes a radical way to tell Sansón’s story, recreating his childhood in Mexico with the help of his own family. The result is an unforgettable film that reflects on migration, roots and the US prison system, and pushes the boundaries of cinematic imagination to rescue a young man’s story from oblivion.