
Directed by: Richard Poplak, Diana Neille
Runtime: 1hr 27min Year: 2020
Country: South Africa, Canada
Topics: Sociopolitical
Last Screened: Thu 10th Dec 2020

Recorded Q&A

Influence: Q&A

Charting the rise of PR guru Lord Tim Bell's 'reputation management' firm Bell Pottinger, laying bare the increasing power of the 'weaponised communications' industry to influence the way we think, and the way we vote.

Lord Tim Bell was always a good salesman. Founder of the infamous PR firm Bell Pottinger, he was the original spin doctor who saw Margaret Thatcher through three elections, masterminding the ‘Labour Isn’t Working’ ad campaign, before branching out to work with foreign governments, oligarchs and magnates across the world.

Featuring a series of frank interviews with Lord Bell himself, filmed in 2018, Influence charts Bell Pottinger’s rise to global status and its ignominious fall in 2017, implicated in a South African corruption scandal and a nefarious campaign to ignite racial tensions.

More than just a fascinating examination of Bell’s unscrupulous PR empire, this is essential viewing for the post-truth age, laying bare the increasing power of the ‘weaponised communications’ industry; influencing the way we think, the way we feel and the way we vote.

Recorded Q&A

Influence: Q&A