
Directed by: Samaher Alqadi
Runtime: 1hr 18min Year: 2021
Topics: Sociopolitical
Last Screened: Thu 8th Dec 2022

Samaher Alqadi documents the growing women's rebellion in Cario in 2013, not knowing where the story will lead.

After the sexual assaults that took place in Tahrir Square in Cairo in 2013, Alqadi picks up her camera as a form of protection and begins documenting the growing women’s rebellion, not knowing where the story will lead her.

When Samaher becomes pregnant during filming, she starts to re-examine the constructs of her own childhood in Palestine and what it means to be a woman and a mother in the Middle East. The award-winning documentary As I Want is an important and impressively powerful film about the fight for liberation and emancipation.

Presented by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in partnership with Movies That Matter.