
The screening on Friday the 14th of July was followed by a Q&A with director Vinay Shukla and journalist Ravish Kumar. Hosted by journalist Carole Cadwalladr.

A gripping newsroom drama, following broadcast journalist Ravish Kumar as he fearlessly tackles misinformation and incompetent governance in India. Kumar and his team at NDTV fight tirelessly to report on the stories overlooked by pro-government mainstream media.

However, this is no easy feat as, increasingly, many sensationalise criticism of the Modi government as treason. With fervent nationalism on the rise, dissidents are labelled as enemies of India, with their lives and livelihoods viciously attacked. With budget cuts, mass resignations and mounting death threats, can Kumar persevere in the face of adversity?

While We Watched is a riveting tale of truth, courage and journalistic integrity. Kumar’s unyielding spirit is captured brilliantly, and we watch as he faces seemingly unending challenges. With factual reporting in international crisis, director Vinay Shukla trains his lens on a beleaguered lone voice, providing us with hope that there are still determined forces dedicated to speaking truth to power.

The screening on Friday the 14th of July was followed by a Q&A with director Vinay Shukla and journalist Ravish Kumar. Hosted by journalist Carole Cadwalladr.