Past screening

White Platoon

Directed by: Yuri Maldavsky, Tim Grucza
Runtime: 1hr 25min Year: 2005


Directed by: Yuri Maldavsky, Tim Grucza
Runtime: 1hr 25min Year: 2005
Country: Iraq, France
Last Screened: Wed 7th Feb 2007

From the symbolic handover of power to the Iraqi people to the under publicized bloody election day to the tearful reunion with families and wounded colleagues, we follow a group of soldiers as they transform from eager young men into hardened, cynical war veterans who will never be the same again.

Film-makers, Yuri Maldavsky and Tim Grucza, spent several months over the course of the year in southern Baghdad with the White platoon of the 1/7 cavalry division.