Past screening

The Wind Blows the Border

Directed by: Laura Faerman, Marina Weis
Runtime: 1h 12min
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Directed by: Laura Faerman, Marina Weis
Runtime: 1h 12min
Topics: Sociopolitical
Last Screened: Mon 4th Sep 2023

Both cinematic and politically engaging, The Wind Blows the Border is a powerful, up-close chronicle of the courageous struggle for Brazil's borderlands.

In Brazil,  a battle between Brazilian farm owners and indigenous activists rages. This is the heart of Brazilian agribusiness, which has been bolstered and protected by its close ties to the Bolsonaro government. But a strong movement led by indigenous women has been troubling the water and laying claim, physically, to the Guarani-Kaiowá ancestral lands.

Filmmakers Laura Faerman and Marina Weis get up close access to both groups in this high-stakes fight. They intimately portray the indigenous female resistance, following Alenir Ximendes, a Guarani-Kaiowá leader, teacher and activist, and her close community. More shockingly, perhaps, they also gain access to lawyer and staunch Bolsonaro supporter Luana Ruiz, whose personal and career mission is to protect the farms (including her own family’s contested land).