
Directed by: Erik Gandini
Runtime: 1hr 15min Year: 2015
Country: Sweden
Last Screened: Sun 10th Jul 2016

Acclaimed filmmaker Erik Gandini aims to uncover the cracks of Scandinavian perfection and look deeper into the dysfunctional side of modern life in his homeland.

Sweden is a country typically portrayed as having a perfectly organised society but this poignant new film questions this perception and explores the ever-present loneliness in this idyllic way of life.

Sweden statistically has the highest number of people dying alone and tops the chart for single households with 47% of people living alone.

Half the population live in single households, and more and more women are choosing single motherhood through artificial insemination. The woeful succession of sperm banks, deserted residential areas and forgotten deaths casts a disturbing light on the downside to an independent society in which the only truly social activity appears to be searches for missing persons.