Past screening

The Life After

Directed by: Brian Hill, Niamh Kennedy
Runtime: 1hr 23min Year: 2018
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Directed by: Brian Hill, Niamh Kennedy
Runtime: 1hr 23min Year: 2018
Country: United Kingdom
Last Screened: Wed 18th Jul 2018

Using archive footage, interviews and poetry, The Life After tells the personal history of the women - mothers, sisters and daughters - who lost loves ones during the Troubles.

This documentary tells the personal history of Northern Irish civilians who lost loved ones in the Troubles, the 30-year conflict that saw 3,532 people killed and 47,451 injured in Northern Ireland.

Looking specifically at the women (mothers, sisters and daughters) who lost loved ones at the hands of both the RUC and IRA, the documentary shines a light on a modern-day war that is often forgotten and particularly poignant in light of today’s Brexit negotiations over a hard Irish border.