Past screening

The Last Man on the Moon

Directed by: Mark Craig
Runtime: 1hr 36min Year: 2015
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Directed by: Mark Craig
Runtime: 1hr 36min Year: 2015
Country: United Kingdom
Last Screened: Thu 28th Apr 2016

When Apollo astronaut Eugene Cernan stepped off the moon in 1972 he left his footprints and his daughter's initials in the lunar dust. Only now, forty years later, is he ready to share his epic but deeply personal story.

A test pilot who lived to court danger, Cernan’s burning ambition carried him to the spectacular and hazardous environment of space and to the moon. But there was a heavy price to pay for the fame and privilege that followed. As his wife famously remarked, ‘If you think going to the moon is hard, try staying at home.’

As he looks back at what he loved and lost during the eight years in Houston, an incomparably eventful life emerges into view. Director Mark Craig crafts a quietly epic biography that combines the rare insight of the surviving former astronauts with archival footage and otherworldly moonscapes.