The latest film from acclaimed director Julien Temple tells the extraordinary story of legendary musician Wilko Johnson, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given a few months to live.
“Devastatingly poignant and beautiful…. it’s wonderful.” – Natalie Salvo, The Iris
“.…a total game-changer. using cinema at the highest level to look at life in the most creative of ways….” – Jonathan Demme, Director
Accepting his fate with incredible positivity, Wilko embarked on a farewell tour, capturing the imagination of fans around the world as he went. But like every good story Wilko’s has a damn fine twist in its tail. Two years later and confounding the odds, Wilko wakes up in a hospital bed, unexpectedly sentenced to live.
Now he must integrate those enlightened lessons learnt under sentence of death into the unexpected and ongoing future of his life. The Ecstasy Of Wilko Johnson confronts our worst nightmares of impending death and turns them upside down.