Past screening

(Testimonies From) Falluja

Directed by: Hamodi Jasim
Runtime: 0hr 28min Year: 2004


Directed by: Hamodi Jasim
Runtime: 0hr 28min Year: 2004
Last Screened: Tue 8th Nov 2005

One of the most violent acts of the current occupation of Iraq was the almost complete destruction of the city of Falluja in last November's siege and assault by US forces. There were no Western news crews inside the city, even Al-Jazeera had left. This film comprises video testimonies from inside the besieged city, along with footage of injuries and civilians under fire. It provides a concise introduction to the historical roots of resistance to the occupying forces in the city and it conveys a real sense of what such attacks can do to a community.

Images of the Falluja assault are scarce, which makes this event all the more resonant. To consider these and other issues, Gareth Evans (Editor, Vertigo magazine) will be in conversation following the screening. Speakers include Milan Rai, renowned international activist, writer and founder of the British branch of the Iraq-focused campaign group Voices in the Wilderness ( His books include: ‘Chomsky’s Politics’, ‘War Plan Iraq’ and ‘Regime Unchanged’.