
Directed by: Enrico Parenti, Stefano Liberti
Runtime: 1hr 5min Year: 2018
Country: Italy
Last Screened: Wed 10th Apr 2019

The global effect of the pork industry and soybean farming is investigated in this shocking film that reveals how big corporations and the industrialisation of the food industry is destroying our ecosystem.

Soyalism follows the impact of the gargantuan pork industry in America and China, and the monoculture of soy farming dominating the Brazilian rainforest. Small company farmers are being swallowed up by big corporations which are taking over the entire industry – with modern slaughterhouses producing unmanageable hazardous waste and killing hundreds of pigs an hour.

Soybean plantations are taking up an overwhelming proportion of agriculture and fuelling the dead zone marine life problem in the Gulf of Mexico. Meanwhile, a group of activists in Mozambique are fighting against their land being taken over by a big soy company.

Soyalism asks how does the growing demand for meat in China affect the Amazon rainforest? And why are Brazilian farmers being lured to Mozambique to farm soybeans?