
Directed by: Amila Menéndez, Lucas Peñafort
Runtime: 1hr 26min Year: 2022
Country: India, Argentina
Topics: Environment
Last Screened: Fri 30th Sep 2022

Among the arid lands of Rajasthan, surrounded by marble mines, there is an oasis: a village called Piplantri, where women are no longer afraid of giving birth to a girl, who historically would have been seen as a burden.

Since 2005, every time a girl is born in Piplantri, the village celebrates by planting 111 trees in her name. Over the years, this empowering act has had a huge ecological impact, raising the water level, diversifying the animal life, and filling Piplantri with trees. Sisters of the trees intimately portrays the life of the women of Piplantri, the positive changes and also the challenges they face, trying to raise their daughters for a better future.