Past screening


Directed by: Jouko Aaltonen
Runtime: 1hr 20min Year: 2006


Directed by: Jouko Aaltonen
Runtime: 1hr 20min Year: 2006
Country: Finland
Last Screened: Tue 12th Dec 2006

The idealism and optimism of young people in Finland in the 1960s and '70s created a youth culture where a better world seemed just around the corner and socialism seemed like a real alternative.

Songs played a central role in this revolution, and hundreds of radical singing groups sprung up. The songs told stories of battles and solidarity, of Chile and Vietnam. Forty years on the middle-aged former revolutionaries reform their groups and return to their combat songs.

Brimming with music, archive footage and contemporary interviews, Revolution captures the spirit of an age, and asks the poignant question, what happens to the idealism of youth?