
Directed by: Mika Koskinen
Runtime: 1hr 27min Year: 2011
Country: Finland
Last Screened: Thu 12th Apr 2012

When a Finnish film-maker sets out to explore China's giant green tree-planting programme he enters a nightmare where the reality is very murky.

China’s much-trumpeted green policy of massive tree-planting drew Finnish film-maker Mika Koskinen to find out more, but when he arrived the contacts he had made had been arrested. With eucalyptus plantations twice the size of New York State planned by a Finnish-Swedish corporation to feed a giant paper mill in Guangxi province, local people were complaining of dried-out wells and reports of violent incidents had surfaced.

Koskinen’s determined search for the truth is blocked by grinning officials, the arrest of and threats against local people willing to talk and his own surveillance. Trapped in his hotel in a cat-and-mouse game, Koskinen discovers Chinese state control, corporate desire and green ethics do not make good bedfellows.