Past screening

Queens of Syria

Directed by: Yasmin Fedda
Runtime: 1hr 10min Year: 2014
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Directed by: Yasmin Fedda
Runtime: 1hr 10min Year: 2014
Country: Jordan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom
Last Screened: Wed 8th Mar 2017

In a camp in Jordan, an all female cast of Syrian refugees prepare to stage Euripides’ The Trojan Women. The cast incorporate their own stories of war and exile into the performance.

“I have a scream I want the whole world to hear, but I wonder if it will resonate.” – Suaad, member of Syria: The Trojan Women cast

The story uniquely mimics the lives of its actors, whose recent experience of ferocious war and bitter exile leads to an extraordinary, emotionally charged interpretation of the play.

For International Women’s Day, we’re bringing Queens of Syria back to Bertha DocHouse, to recognise the traumatic experience of women refugees around the world and to celebrate their strength, resilience and humanity.