
Directed by: Pete Middleton, James Spinney
Runtime: 1hr 30min Year: 2016
Country: United Kingdom, France
Last Screened: Thu 23rd Jun 2016

When John Hull became totally blind after years of steady deterioration, he began to keep audio diaries of his experience capturing a remarkable insight into blindness, loss, frustration, identity and love.

Filmmakers James Spinney and Peter Middleton used these audio recordings to craft a visceral, immersive and breathtaking exploration of Hull’s words.

Following the Emmy Award-winning short film of the same name, Notes on Blindness painstakingly recreates Hull’s life from the early 1980’s as well as articulating his more abstract and evocative observations of his life beyond sight to deliver a one-of-a-kind viewing experience.

Part of Open City Documentary Festival.