Past screening

My Neighbourhood

Directed by: Julia Bacha, Rebekah Wingert-Jabi
Runtime: 0hr 25min Year: 2012
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Directed by: Julia Bacha, Rebekah Wingert-Jabi
Runtime: 0hr 25min Year: 2012
Country: Palestine, State of, Israel, United States
Last Screened: Thu 16th May 2013

In a neighbourhood in East Jerusalem Mohammed El Kurd and his family suddenly find themselves forced from their home by Israeli settlers.

Mohammed, enraged by the events, begins to protest alongside his neighbours, and is shocked when scores of Israeli supporters come forward to join their cause.

A coming of age tale set against the unrelenting tension of East Jerusalem, My Neighbourhood forces us to see past the often black and white portrayal of the conflict, and look closer at the grey areas.