Past screening

My Fathers, My Mother and Me

Directed by: Paul-Julien Robert
Runtime: 1hr 33min Year: 2012
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Directed by: Paul-Julien Robert
Runtime: 1hr 33min Year: 2012
Country: Austria
Last Screened: Thu 16th Jan 2014

In 1972, Otto Muehl founded a commune based on common property ownership, free love and liberation from family ties. Paul-Julien Robert's quietly devastating documentary interweaves footage of life in the commune.

In order to break with the nuclear family model entirely, the children of the commune were never to know the identity of their biological fathers and were cared for communally. By the commune’s logic, the freedom from paternal authority would lead to greater creativity and personal development.

Drawing on a fascinating and extensive archive of footage shot by the members themselves, Paul-Julien Robert’s revisits the place where he spent the first twelve years of his life, until Otto Muehl’s incarceration in 1991. Through penetrating interviews with his mother, former members and other children born into this social experiment, Robert reveals the true nature of one of the most famous sex communes in the world, and the deep-rooted debilitating effects it had on its members.