Past screening

Love You To Death

Directed by: Vanessa Engle
Runtime: 1hr 0min Year: 2015


Directed by: Vanessa Engle
Runtime: 1hr 0min Year: 2015
Country: United Kingdom
Last Screened: Mon 30th Nov 2015

On average, seven women are killed every month in Britain by their husband, partner or ex-partner. This preview tells the gripping and untold human stories and the continuing and disproportionate violence visited by men on women every day.

This new documentary by acclaimed director Vanessa Engle tells the gripping and untold human stories behind this shocking yet faceless statistic, shedding light on a majorly important subject – the continuing and disproportionate violence visited by men on women every day. The film features a role call of all the women killed by their male partner or ex-partner in the course of one calendar year.

Of the 164 women murdered in Britain in 2013, eighty-six were killed by their male partner or ex-partner. This film names all 86 women and, through interviews with families, friends and neighbours, tells the stories of seven of them in detail.