The inside story of Chris Stamp and Kit Lambert, aspiring film directors from opposite sides of the tracks who form an unlikely partnership, leading them to discover and manage the iconic band that would become The Who.
“The film tells like a night hanging out with the legendary managers.” – Variety“James D Cooper’s impeccably directed debut is a definitive screen bio of The Who and its rock-operatic rise.” – Rolling Stone
Inspired by the radical 1960s youth culture, Chris and Kit saw potential in the rebellious restlessness of The Who. They quickly decided to scrap the idea of a movie and instead focused on managing, influencing the bands development with their potent chemistry, filmic ideas and outrageous performance.
Lambert & Stamp is charged with a mad concoction of noise, love, rebellion, art and hilarity. Featuring Chris Stamp and Kit Lambert, Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend, director James D. Cooper takes us on the surprising ride of two men who shaped one of the most famous bands of all time. The film examines the intimate but at times disturbing bonds that make it possible to create.