Past screening


Directed by: Roz Mortimer
Runtime: 1hr 3min Year: 2006


Directed by: Roz Mortimer
Runtime: 1hr 3min Year: 2006
Topics: Science
Last Screened: Wed 18th Apr 2007

We think of the arctic as a pristine wilderness, but scientists studying the breast milk of Inuit mothers discovered that it was loaded with chemicals migrating from the south.

This horrifying documentary exposes the devastating effect these hormone-disrupting substances have on the reproductive systems and neurological health of animals and humans across the planet, to the extent that scientists cannot find a single woman anywhere in the world who does not have chemicals such as flame retardants in her breast milk.

Filmed entirely on Baffin Island, Nunavut, in the communities of Iqaluit and Qikiqtarjuaq.