Past screening

Give Up Tomorrow

Directed by: Michael Collins
Runtime: 1hr 35min Year: 2011
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Directed by: Michael Collins
Runtime: 1hr 35min Year: 2011
Country: United States, United Kingdom
Last Screened: Tue 13th Dec 2011

After two sisters leave work and never make it home, a young man is arrested and sentenced to death in the Philippines for a crime he couldn't have commit.

As a tropical storm beats down on the Philippine island of Cebu, two sisters leave work and never make it home.

Give Up Tomorrow exposes a Kafkaesque extravaganza populated by flamboyantly corrupt public officials, drug dealers, cops on the take, and a frenzied legal and media circus. It is also an intimate family drama focused on the near mythic struggle of two angry and sorrowful mothers who have dedicated more than a decade to executing or saving one young man, Paco Larrañaga.