
Directed by: Anirban Dutta, Anupama Srinivasan
Runtime: 1h 30min Certificate: TBC
Last Screened: Tue 28th May 2024

In a remote village on the India-Myanmar border, 70 years after Indian independence, news floats in that electricity may arrive.

Far from the mainland and mainstream consciousness, Tora is a village with bad roads, erratic transport service and no power. Evenings here are spent in darkness except for a few small solar lamps.

But electrification is a surprisingly long process; a haphazard and absurd affair which stops and starts, and seems to take forever. 96-year-old Khamrang has been let down before and thinks that nothing will change, whereas shopkeeper Jasmine dreams so fervently of buying a refrigerator, she can almost taste the ice cream she will sell if power ever flows to the village.

As Khamrang, Jasmine and the rest of Tora wait to find out if electricity will arrive and transform everything, life flickers between hope and frustration, humour the only constant.