Past screening


Directed by: Tonje Hessen Schei
Runtime: 1hr 22min Year: 2014


Directed by: Tonje Hessen Schei
Runtime: 1hr 22min Year: 2014
Country: Denmark
Last Screened: Sun 6th Dec 2015

This alarming new documentary explores the extent of the secret CIA drone war and the emergence of a new kind of soldier, the 'Drone Warrior'.

In a desert bunker in the USA, Brandon Bryant would sit for hours at a computer in a windowless room and kill people. With a simple click, he could fire from a drone towards black silhouettes on the screen in front of him, and a second later they were dead.

Following 9/11 the Bush administration quietly greenlit a programme of drone attacks as part of its war on terror. The CIA began carrying out this programme, causing untold numbers of civilian casualties. Drone exposes the true impact of these deadly strikes, revealing how technology has radically changed the nature of war, making it possible to kill massively, invisibly and from thousands of miles away.

Speaking to the families of Pakistani victims as well as human rights advocates, activists and ex-drone soldiers like Brandon, it quickly becomes clear that for the people living in certain regions of the world life under the ever watching eye of drones is unbearable. Drone raises important issues about government policy, the legal and above all moral debate on the use of drones.