Past screening

Dirty Wars

Directed by: Richard Rowley
Runtime: 1hr 27min Year: 2013
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Directed by: Richard Rowley
Runtime: 1hr 27min Year: 2013
Country: United States
Last Screened: Fri 8th Nov 2013

Something doesn't add up for seasoned reporter Jeremy Scahill, when the scene of a supposed Taliban honour killing in the village of Khatabeh in Afghanistan starts to sound more like a botched (and covered up) US military night raid.

As Scahill delves deeper, it becomes clear that this is just the tip of the iceberg on a list of astonishing acts committed by the most secret fighting force in the US.

Tracing the rise of the Joint Special Operation Command (JSOC), Scahill finds evidence of drone strikes carried out on the barest of suspicions; government–condoned torture; and the brutal deaths of countless innocent civilians chalked up to ‘collateral damage’. Working through a ‘find, fix and finish’ kill-list, this unit acts under the radar and with complete impunity, all in the name of the ‘War on Terror’.

By taking us on Scahill’s personal journey through this web of complex and wide ranging information, director Richard Rowley skilfully presents an urgent exposé on the dirtiest of government secrets; one that is riveting, accessible and incendiary.