Past screening

Dark Days

Directed by: Marc Singer
Runtime: 1hr 34min Year: 2000
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Directed by: Marc Singer
Runtime: 1hr 34min Year: 2000
Country: United States
Last Screened: Sun 9th Aug 2015

For years, a homeless community took root in a train tunnel beneath New York City, braving dangerous conditions and perpetual night. Dark Days explores this surprisingly domestic subterranean world, unearthing a way of life unimaginable to those above.

Through stories simultaneously heartbreaking, hilarious, intimate, and off the cuff, tunnel dwellers reveal their reasons for taking refuge and their struggle to survive underground.

Filmed in striking black and white with a crew comprised of the tunnel’s inhabitants and scored by legendary turntablist DJ Shadow, Dark Days remains a soulful and enduring document of life on the fringe.