City, Essay, Film is a series of events hosted by UCL Urban Laboratory to examine the concept and practice of the ‘urban essay film’. This opening screening showcases a number of exemplary urban shorts from across the globe.
City, Essay, Film is a series of events hosted by UCL Urban Laboratory to examine the concept and practice of the ‘urban essay film’. Urban Lab Films will host a series of screenings with Bertha DocHouse throughout June and July, curated by David Anderson and Jordan Rowe.
This opening screening showcases a number of exemplary urban shorts from across the globe. From Lisbon to London and New York to Buenos Aires, the films share intriguing takes on their subjects with an inquisitive eye on the city, its successes and its failures, its people and its spaces.
The films in this programme include:
Window (dir. Left Hand Rotation, 2019, 21 mins)
The Solitary Life of Cranes (dir. Eva Weber, 2008, 29 mins)
Work (dir. Gamar Markarian, 2019, 13 mins)
The Expansions (dir. Manuel Ferrari, 2017, 30 mins)