Past screening

City 40

Directed by: Samira Goetschel
Runtime: 1hr 13min Year: 2015
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Directed by: Samira Goetschel
Runtime: 1hr 13min Year: 2015
Country: United States
Last Screened: Sat 23rd Jul 2016

Secret filming and a mother who risks her life, take us inside Russia's largest nuclear city, a place which has been closed to the outside world for decades.

Welcome to “City 40”, whose residents have a higher than average standard of living than other Russian citizens – before dying prematurely of radiation poisoning.Director Samira Goetchel uses secret filming to take us inside the city, which was closed to the outside world for decades. We follow some of the braver inhabitants battling for their voices to be heard, in a chilling manifestation of the nuclear arms race. Carol Nahra, Sheffield Doc/Fest