In this thrilling ocean adventure, Jeff Orlowski (Chasing Ice) is joined by a team of divers, photographers and scientists in his investigation into why coral reefs are vanishing at an unprecedented rate.
“An endlessly fascinating quest” – Hollywood Reporter
Director Jeff Orlowski documented irrefutable visual proof of the melting ice caps in his 2012 film Chasing Ice. In Chasing Coral Orlowski returns with a team of divers, photographers and scientists to investigate why coral reefs are vanishing at an unprecedented rate.
Coral reefs are the nursery for all life in the oceans, a remarkable ecosystem that sustains the rest of the Earth. However, with carbon emissions warming the seas, scientists have seen an alarming increase in “coral bleaching”, a sign of mass coral death.
Orlowski joins forces with his passionate collaborators to figure out a way to capture the effects of climate change on the coral and they embark on a race against time to record bleaching events to show the world the devastation that is silently raging underwater.