
Directed by: Liz Garbus
Runtime: 1hr 34min Year: 2021
Country: United States
Topics: Environment
Last Screened: Fri 11th Mar 2022

An inside look at the life of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, whose iconic films made him the 20th century’s most unique and renowned environmental voice.

Adventurer, filmmaker, inventor, author, unlikely celebrity and conservationist: For over four decades, Jacques-Yves Cousteau and his explorations under the ocean became synonymous with a love of science and the natural world. As he learned to protect the environment, he brought the whole world with him.

Becoming Cousteau takes an inside look at Cousteau and his life, his iconic films and inventions, and the experiences that made him the 20th century’s most unique and renowned environmental voice — and the man who inspired generations to protect the Earth.