Past screening

A Young Patriot

Directed by: Du Hai-bin
Runtime: 1hr 46min Year: 2015
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Directed by: Du Hai-bin
Runtime: 1hr 46min Year: 2015
Country: China
Last Screened: Wed 18th May 2016

A Young Patriot is a documentary about a post-90s young man Xiao Zhao. The film follows the protagonist Xiao Zhao's life experience.

From a 19-year-old boy waving flag and shouting slogan ” Long live China! Go China!” on the street of Pingyao ancient town in Shanxi province, to a college student in Chengdu of Sichuan province, and as a volunteer teaching in Liangshan Yi autonomous region, A Young Patriot records Xiao Zhao’s emotional and ideological change during the four years starting from his senior high school to his sophomore year, and meanwhile witnesses and presents the restlessness and disturbance the Chinese society is currently undergoing.