
Directed by: Gary Lennon
Runtime: 1hr 10min Year: 2015
Country: Ireland, Japan
Last Screened: Sat 18th Mar 2017

Coinciding with the 70th anniversary of the WWII bombing of Nagasaki, here is the almost unbelievable tale of a young man who survived some of the most harrowing episodes of World War II (including the atomic bombing of Nagasaki)...

Dr. Aidan MacCarthy stands as one of the most incredible survivors of WorldWar II. He survived Dunkirk and the fall of Singapore; he spent four years as a POW and was just a few hundred metres from the atomic bomb in Nagasaki.

From the ashes of Nagasaki MacCarthy was given a sword by a Japanese officer but its provenance was shrouded in mystery. Going to Japan, Aidan’s daughter Niki attempts to find this Japanese officer that gave MacCarthy his ancestral sword. On her journey Niki discovers much more about her father, his remarkable story and the war from both the Allied and Japanese sides.

Recreated through animation this is a story of survival, forgiveness and how humanity can scale the highest heights.