Past screening

Of Love and Law

Directed by: Hikaru Toda
Runtime: 1hr 34min Year: 2017
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Directed by: Hikaru Toda
Runtime: 1hr 34min Year: 2017
Country: Japan, United Kingdom, France
Last Screened: Tue 12th Mar 2019

Gay couple Kazu and Fumi are a rare pair in ultra-homogenous Japan. Both lawyers, they fight for the rights of the marginalised and the risk-takers, in pursuit of a more tolerant society and happiness.

“In Japan, people tend to hide anything that is inconvenient”, says artist Rokudenashiko, charged with obscenity for her vagina sculptures. Rokudenashiko’s court case is one that openly gay lawyers Kazu and Fumi are fighting for, alongside a teacher fired for not standing during the national anthem and a young woman who was born outside of the traditional family structure, so doesn’t legally exist.

This intimate portrait of the loving relationship between Kazu and Fumi follows their journey to building a family, while fighting for human rights for all. In a society where it’s risky to go against the grain and everybody is expected to “read the air”, the pair are a rock of compassion.