
Directed by: Ruaridh Arrow
Runtime: 1hr 25min Year: 2011
Country: United Kingdom
Last Screened: Thu 22nd Aug 2019

This BAFTA Award-winning film tells the remarkable story of Nobel Peace Prize nominee and political theorist Gene Sharp, described as the world's foremost scholar on nonviolent revolution.

How to Start a Revolution is a BAFTA Award-winning British documentary film about Nobel Peace Prize nominee and political theorist Gene Sharp. With archive footage and interviews from figures who collaborated with and incorporated Sharp’s ideas, as well as Sharp himself, the film explores their influence on popular uprisings and revolutionary groups around the world.

Directed by British journalist Ruaridh Arrow and produced by Richard Shaw, How To Start a Revolution screened in cinemas and on television in over 22 countries upon its 2011 release and became an underground hit with the Occupy Wall St Movement.

With particular focus on Sharp’s key text From Dictatorship to Democracy – which has been translated by democracy activists into more than 30 languages and used in revolutions from Serbia and Ukraine to Egypt and Syria – the film describes how Sharp’s 198 methods of nonviolent action have inspired and informed uprisings across the globe.