
Directed by: Stephen Maing, Brett Story
Runtime: 1h 44min Certificate: 12
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Directed by: Stephen Maing, Brett Story
Runtime: 1h 44min Certificate: 12
Topics: Sociopolitical

In 2022, a group of Amazon warehouse workers in Staten Island, New York, attempt to form a union, embarking on an unprecedented campaign in the name of workers' rights, taking on one of the most powerful companies on the planet.

Filmmakers Brett Story and Stephen Maing follow the group’s charismatic (if understimated) leader Chris Smalls and his supporting union organisers, as they face down the might of Amazon’s legal team and union-busters, and tackle the day-in-day-out work of convincing their warehouse colleagues.

As internal rifts and personality clashes threaten the campaign, Union becomes a gripping human drama about rights and dignity in one microcosm of a global corporate powerhouse.

Followed by a Q&A with directors Brett Story and Stephen Maing.

Screening times and booking

Thu 14th Nov 18:20

Please note: There are only 5 mins of trailers before our screenings


Q&A: £12.50 (£10 concessions)

Please note: There are only 5 mins of trailers before our screenings


Q&A: £12.50 (£10 concessions)