
Directed by: Frank Hurley
Runtime: 1hr 28min Year: 1919
Country: United Kingdom
Topics: History & Archive
Last Screened: Thu 10th Feb 2022

A century after it was first made, the extraordinary, original film of Sir Ernest Shackleton's ill-fated expedition to Antarctica returns to the big screen in spectacular style.

A record of one of the greatest survival stories in the history of exploration, South is the original film – exquisitely photographed by Frank Hurley – of Shackleton’s 1914-1916 voyage to Antarctica, during which his ship, the Endurance, was crushed by ice, stranding the hardy and resilient crew.

Re-released to mark the centenary of Shackleton’s death, South has been digitally remastered by BFI National Archive from its original restoration, and plays with a stunning newly-commissioned score by Neil Brand.