Maya Newell’s new documentary follows the lives of four Australian children – Gus, Ebony, Graham and Matt – whose parents all happen to be gay.
Having grown up with same-sex parents, Newell brings her insight and empathy to bear on one of the most debated contemporary issues today, giving a rare and intimate look at same-sex parenting through the eyes of these engaging youngsters.
In his all-female household, Gus strives to work out what it means to be a “man”; Ebony struggles to find her voice as a singer and a place where her gay family will be accepted; Matt questions how the God his lesbian mums worship can also damn them to hell; and Graham’s desire to read and win the approval of his dads is complicated by a move to Fiji, where homosexuality is frowned upon.
Told from the point of view of the kids, Gayby Baby is a living, moving portrait of same-sex families that offers a refreshingly honest picture of what really counts in modern life.