Past screening

Putin’s Mama

Directed by: Ineke Smits
Runtime: 0hr 51min Year: 2003
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Directed by: Ineke Smits
Runtime: 0hr 51min Year: 2003
Country: Netherlands
Last Screened: Sun 9th May 2004

Vera Putina at 77 years of age is typical of the Russian women of her generation. What makes her different is that in 1999, she recognized President Vladimir Putin as the son she thought was lost forever. Did Vera's son really become the President of Russia?

For her it is beyond doubt, and her daughters and the other villagers of Metechi, Georgia, are equally sure that the ten-year old who disappeared so long ago is now the President. Interrupted by neighbours, assisted by childhood friends and villagers, Vera tells how she lost her little ‘Vova’.

What emerges is a touching and often humorous portrait of the vivacious Vera and her life in Metechi, Georgia. Her dream that she will eventually embrace her child once more is so strong that you would wish every lost child in the world on her.